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Julie Rautio

Our Team

We have various backgrounds in public affairs and communications but are like-minded in our strong work ethic, strategic prowess and “get it done” attitude.

Julie Rautio Partner

Julie is the founding partner of Capital Results. The company opened in 1998 with the idea that actively and creatively engaging citizens in even the most complex public affairs issues would lead to more successful efforts to change public policy.

While her work is primarily in developing strategic communications campaigns, with her depth of knowledge in government affairs her work often straddles the two practice areas to help clients achieve their goals. Julie believes in a hands-on approach and uses a broad network of relationships in government, politics and the media to help clients effectively communicate on policy issues.

Julie’s background prior to founding the company was primarily political communications, having served Governor George Allen and Vice President Dan Quayle.


University of Colorado, Boulder, Bachelor of Arts, 1989

Community Involvement

Riverside Health System, Board of Directors (2006 – 2021)

Richmond 2015 World Road Cycling Championships, Board of Directors

Virginia Capital Trail Foundation, Former Board of Directors

CASA Volunteer, (2017-2019)